
We are cyclical beings in a cyclical Universe. The phases of the Moon, the changing of the seasons, the rise and fall of our emotions, and the masculine and the feminine aspects within us remind us how we float through life in a tender balance. Our ceremonies honor the cycles within us and those outside of us. When we work in sequence with the medicines, we call them medicine cycles. During the medicine cycles we explore the Yin energies of Mother and the Yang energies of Father, helping to reveal these aspects within. The blending of these energies usually occurs in three back-to-back ceremonies over the course of a weekend. This is both a deeply powerful yet surprisingly gentle way to engage with both medicines.

A typical group ceremony weekend looks like this:

  • Friday night: Mother ceremony
  • Saturday morning: Father ceremony
  • Saturday afternoon: Rest, time in nature, community time with each other, etc.
  • Saturday night: Mother ceremony
  • Sunday: Rest, sharing, and departure
Our group schedule